📄️ Overview
If you want to add a feature to the screen, block is your choice. The block can be configured, renamed, moved up, moved down, duplicated, hidden, deleted and tagged by the user.
📄️ Article Detail
Article Detail is a block that allows you to display an article on the screen. It uses the id of the article you clicked on the Article List block.
📄️ Article List
Article List is a block that allows you to display a list of articles on the screen. It uses the managed articles in the Posts plugin.
📄️ Blank
Blank block allows you to display a blank space on the screen. It can be used to add space between blocks.
📄️ Bottom Bar
Bottom bar block allows you to display a list of items in the bottom of the screen.
📄️ Custom HTML
Custom HTML block is the same as Blank Block but you can add content to it with a HTML editor.
📄️ Drawer Menu
Drawer Menu is a block that allows you to display a drawer menu on the screen. This is a sliding left menu that is used to display the important links in the application.
📄️ Header Bar
Header bar block allows you to display a list of items in the header of the screen.
📄️ Hybrid App
Hybrid app is a block that allows you to display a mini-app on the screen. Mini-app is a small app that uses the AppFast SDK and can be added to the AppFast platform.
📄️ Navigation
Navigation is a block that allows you to display a navigation on the screen.
📄️ Playlist (Track List) Detail
Playlist (Track List) Detail is a block that allows you to display a playlist on the screen. It uses the id of the playlist you clicked on the Playlist (Track List) block.
📄️ Playlist (Track List)
Playlist (Track List) is a block that allows you to display a list of playlists on the screen. It uses the managed playlists in the Song Playlist plugin.
📄️ Product Detail
Product Detail is a block that allows you to display a product on the screen. It uses the id of the product you clicked on the Product List block.
📄️ Product List
Product List is a block that allows you to display a list of products on the screen. It uses the managed products in the Product Subscription plugin.
📄️ Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart is a block that allows you to display a shopping cart on the screen.
📄️ Sign In
Sign In block allows user to sign in to your application. It is similar to the sign in page of the AppFast dashboard.
📄️ Slide Banner
Slide banner block allows you to display a images slider on the screen.
📄️ Store List
Store List is a block that allows you to display a list of stores on the screen. It uses the managed stores in the Store Location plugin.
📄️ Title Bar
Title bar block allows you to display a title, a subtitle, and a "more" link on the screen. User can click on the "more" link to navigate to the next screen or block.
📄️ User Profile
User profile block allows you to display the user menus on the screen. User can click on the menu items to navigate to the appropriate screen.
📄️ Video Player
Video player block allows you to play back a video on the screen.